What is Mold?
10/31/2019 (Permalink)
Mold is a fungus that is grouped under the fungi family alongside mildew, mushrooms, and yeast. Although not all fungi are a threat to one’s health, under such conditions some fungi types are known to contribute to illness and disease. When fungi is able to grow and multiply in its ideal environment, that’s where problems start. What is an ideal environment you may ask? Well here at The Main Line we know that for mold spores to land, grow, and survive on a surface three criteria need to be met.
- Food Source: Mold as an organism needs a food source to survive which can be provided from organic materials such as wood, paper, drywall, insulation, and natural fibers.
- Temperature: Mold grows rapidly in more humid temperatures usually between 68° and 86°
- Moisture: Mold spreads rapidly in humid temperatures and when the humidity is over 65% it is ideal for growth.
Under the right circumstances, mold grows and reproduces through tiny spores. These spores are so tiny that they are not visible to the naked eye and travel through the air until they land and settle on a surface. Spores are built to survive and can lie dormant until all three criteria listed above are present.